Masochism and Zits

Masochism is in human nature.

Think about all the things humans come up with to torture themselves– Roller coasters, horror movies, spicy food, Calculus, bras… The list goes on but today I’m going to talk about stress.

It is scientifically proven somewhere by someone that busier people are happier. And I believe stress is implied in business (it’s probably also scientifically proven somewhere by someone). So with the above premises, we can conclude that stress and happiness come hand in hand.

What is wrong with us? Why can’t we be happy with being happy? Why do we have to stress ourselves out to be happy??

Okay, I admit. This is an extremely flawed logic and has absolutely no scientific basis. But I am a living and breathing example of the stress–>happiness phenomenon. If you read my last post, you’ll know that I’ve finally gotten off my ass and started to do things other than watching Netflix. I’m not superwoman yet but babysteps right? For the past two weeks, I’ve been busy with applications to clubs, planning events for the clubs I’m in currently, meeting up with friends who I don’t usually see due to inconveniences, and staying on top of my homework. My planner is so much fuller and I feel like my life is too. But with the tiny scribbles crammed in a box that marks 24 hours comes stress. I cannot go 15 minutes without going over all the tasks I have to do for the day or come up with new ones for the proceding days.

This stress has also become apparent to the whole world because a zit is slowly but surely growing on my upper lip. I thought stress zits resided on the forehead!! Why do I have one on my lip? Out of all places, you choose the one place that everyone looks at when I smile or speak. LIKE COME ON! I HAVE PLACES TO BE AND PEOPLE TO SEE!!!!

But then again, I’m happy.

Hi Zit,

No matter what you do, or how big your grow, YOU CANNOT BRING ME DOWN.

One comment

  1. daintylittlesecretsblog · March 26, 2015

    Fight the power (zit)

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